CEI's Professional Services & Programs |
CEI offers a wide variety of services designed to enhance the communication and management skills of key executives and other professionals.
Items below with
a link will connect you to more detailed information about those services. You can always learn details about all our programs and capabilities by calling
us at
(800) 410-4CEI (4234) or filling out our Contact Us page.
To view the CEI
Services Fee Sheet, please click HERE. |
CEI services, whether group or individual, are tailored to your specific needs.
Your presenter or consultant will be fully briefed on the issues facing your
organization and employees, through either telephone interviews or face-to-face
meetings. CEI trainers and consultants always provide research-based, practical
techniques in a lively and informative manner that actively engages participants
in the learning process. Communication Excellence Institute is
authorized to offer Continuing Education Units for all its programs.
Services Fee Sheet |