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360° Feedback Program
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In this era of mergers, downsizing and reorganizations, leaders are having to accomplish more with fewer resources. To optimize their efforts, executives are maximizing their strengths in communication and team-building for leverage.

At Communication Excellence Institute, we have developed a highly successful program for helping executive teams focus on the personal interactions and accountabilities of their teams. The centerpiece of this program is CEI's 360° Feedback Program. Through computerized administration and reporting, participants receive a profile of the reactions of their team colleagues on up to 50 dimensions of managerial, communication, and interpersonal behaviors. Organizations may also add extra custom questions reflecting their unique requirements and situations.

On their computers (using a private PIN), team members complete a self-evaluation and an evaluation for each of their team colleagues. Then, this information is automatically converted into reports for each person in statistical, graphic, and prose formats- anonymously and confidentially. The result is awareness of the factors affecting team performance and a dynamic tool for adjusting team interactions and making commitments for change.

The 360° Feedback process, usually presented in the context of a team-building retreat, is one of the most powerful professional development tools available today. No other method gives executives the level of personal insight into their management and communication styles because it all comes from their colleagues!

As a participant in the 360° Feedback experience, you receive a computer-generated personal and confidential report with the following information:

  • Your self-score, personal mean, and team mean scores on up to 50 questions covering communication and management styles.
  • The range of your colleagues' evaluations, on a scale of 1 to 10—on each question.
  • Actual prose comments of all your colleagues presented anonymously.
  • Analysis of your highest five and lowest five scores.
  • Suggestions for managerial growth and development, including behavioral interpretations, of what it typically means to score low in each area, outlined steps for improvement, and a recommended reading list.

All participants will also receive individual private debriefings of their results by a CEI consultant specializing in organizational dynamics. As a result of this experience, each person will be able to map out a plan of executive development that will bring greater harmony and productivity to the team and greater personal satisfaction.

CEI's professional consultants bring to the 360° Feedback process many years of high-level leadership experience in the corporate world, health professions, and higher education. Knowledgeable in both the public and private sectors, they apply their collective wisdom, grounded in practice and current theory, to the challenges of organizations in change. The computerized analysis reflects state-of-the-art 360° Feedback research and practice.

The 360° Feedback Program, if offered separately from CEI's two-day Team-Building, is $6,000 for up to ten participants. If the program is delivered as part of the Team-Building (as it often is), the base fee for the combined program is $10,900 for up to ten participants. Additional participants beyond ten are $100 each per day. This cost reflects two days of Team-Building at $3,950 per day and half price for the 360° Feedback Program. The fee for the 360° Feedback Program includes customization of the questionnaire for the organization, administration of the instrument on computer, a confidential report of the results to each team member, and a group debriefing on feedback to the team.

For more information or to set up a free consultation, please call the Institute at (800) 410-4CEI (4234) or e-mail us at

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