Million Dollar Minutes™
Presentation Coaching and Consulting
for the Construction Industry
It’s coming down to the wire. Your company has been short-listed for a huge construction project. And on top of that, you only have a few days to pull your oral presentation together. Your final materials and most PowerPoints seem ready. But you’re really not sure about two things:
“Are we seeing our presentation the way our potential client will?”
“Does our team have the presentation skills to carry us the final distance?”
At Communication Excellence Institute, we know the excitement and anticipation you’re experiencing, particularly if you have only a short while to put the finishing touches on your presentation. We have developed an approach to help your project team achieve the impact and relationship-building that will carry you to the finish line.
In CEI’s Million-Dollar Minutes™ program, Drs. Janet and Neal Larsen Palmer, well-known experts in presentation skills and active public speakers, spend one to two days with your team to review your company’s presentation and critique and enhance the delivery of each team member. To achieve the excellence you desire, we:
- Review your presentation format and approach to discover anything that might be working against you in the eyes of your audience.
- Suggest ways to organize your ideas for the greatest persuasive impact.
- Strategize on who should say what and when.
- Take a fresh look at your PowerPoints to be sure they’re clear and informative and not overloaded with detail.
- Show you the latest practices in presenting audio-visual materials.
- Build each member’s personal credibility through the effective use of nonverbal communication.
- Lead your team to conquer any stage fright and "get their butterflies flying in formation."
- Demonstrate how to "read" body language and attitudes of their audiences and adjust their own verbal and nonverbal communication to the situation.
- Explain features of presentation “etiquette” that will convince your potential client that you’ll be easy to work with.
- Prepare your team to handle difficult audiences and tough questions.
- Improve, through strength-based videotaping, the fluency and confidence of every team member in front of your potential client.
This process will culminate in an actual “dry-run” rehearsal of your presentation, where Drs. Janet and Neal Palmer will draw on their respective backgrounds as a theatre director and acting coach and a linguist to make sure you will be presenting in the most effective way possible.
Throughout our time with you, we will bring in solid research in communication theory and practice as well as our extensive experience helping construction firms land those “must-have” projects. In our 20 years’ experience coaching architects, engineers, and project managers, we have helped their companies win billions of dollars in contracts. With our extensive background in higher education, we are especially adept at crafting presentations to campus clients.
The fee for CEI’s Million-Dollar Minutes™ program is $5,000 per full-day and $3,500 per half day. This includes a preliminary review of your company background materials and
response to the RFP, strategizing with your team about your general approach to the potential client, structuring the order of presentation material, and videotaping each team member who will present.
When you have every other piece of your proposal together and ready, don’t let your presentation skills be a deal-breaker. Call CEI at (800) 410-4CEI (4234) or e-mail us at to get everything working for your company.
