Creating a Winning Telephone Manner
The more we rely on the telephone to get our message out, the greater is the need for effective, clear, and courteous communication.
Managers and staff all need to know when and how to use the telephone and its companion, voice mail, to their greatest advantage. And they must understand its built-in limitations—the lack of that face-to-face personal touch.
At Communication Excellence Institute, we have designed a one-day workshop on using the telephone for business. Through interactive exercises based on the latest research and the experience of seasoned professional facilitators, participants learn the power and pitfalls of the phone for connecting people.
In Super Phone Skills, CEI experts in communication skills lead participants to:
- Initiate calls with poise, friendliness, and clear diction.
- Make the best possible impression on callers by answering incoming calls effectively.
- Develop a good "phone voice."
- Screen calls to help others avoid unwanted interruptions.
- Learn the etiquette of call holding, call waiting, speaker phones, and conference calling.
- Defuse uncomfortable and hostile calls.
- Leave clear, detailed voice-mail messages that encourage the receiver to call back.
This course is based on solid research in communication theory and practice, and involves each participant in an interactive "hands-on" learning experience.
Organizations that have offered this course comment that participants improved their communication over the phone and significantly enhanced their ability to interact with their colleagues, and customers.
The fee for Super Phone Skills is $3,950, plus the cost of any copyrighted instruments used, for a half day for up to 20 participants. Additional participants beyond 20 are $100 each. This seminar can be customized for each organization, focusing on the particular communication issues in most need of attention.
For more information on this seminar, please call the Institute at (800) 410-4CEI (4234) or e-mail us at |